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REMAP-CAP Podcasts


In association with Critical Care Reviews, the Irish Critical Care Clinical Trials Network produced a series of podcasts on the REMAP-CAP project.


Prof Alistair Nichol (Dublin & Melbourne) discusses the latest controversial investigative agent to be added to the REMAP-CAP platform trial - ivermectin

Lennie Derde

Behind the Scenes

Dr Lennie Derde (Utrecht) talks about the running of the REMAP-CAP trial, including her roles as Chair of the international Trial Steering Committee and European Coordinating Investigator


Prof Derek Angus (Pittsburgh) discusses the concept of a learning healthcare system and how this relates to the REMAP-CAP trial

The Great Pandemic of 2020

Prof Mathias Schultz from Jena, Germany, discusses pandemics, the current coronavirus pandemic, and the role of the REMAP-CAP trial in combating this global threat

Lennie Derde

The Ventilator

Prof Alistair Nichol (Dublin & Melbourne) discusses the new ventilator domain soon to be launched as part of the greater REMAP-CAP trial

The Chosen Interventions

Srin Murthy and John Marshall from Canada discuss the interventiosns chosen to be tested in the REMAP-CAP adaptive platform trial

The Complexity

Scott Berry, from Berry Consulting, describes the phenomenal Bayesian framework which underlies the complexity of this groundbreaking trial design

Lennie Derde

The Beginning

Steve Webb, one the original investigators, recounts the origins and growth of REMAP-CAP, including the constant addition of new investigators and sites to the REMAP-CAP Family